
10-1 Lb. Claxton Gift Special
Several years ago, we introduced our Claxton Gift Special, offering ten one-pound cakes each packaged in colorful sealed cartons. Each year, we sell more and more Gift Specials as customers discover that this item is the perfect solution for holiday gift giving. Everyone loves Claxton Fruit Cake, and when you order this unit, you’re getting ten great gifts for an affordable price. Available in both Regular and Dark recipes, and if you prefer variety, we’ll make it five “Regular” and five “Dark”.
Perfect for your hand-delivered gifts!
- Regular or Dark Recipe?
Our “Regular” fruit cake recipe, a traditional favorite, is more popular than our “Dark” variety; however, the “Dark” cakes contain the same high fruit-and-nut content. The difference lies in the molasses, spices and natural, sun-dried raisins which give the “Dark” cakes their distinctive, darker color. Our “Regular” fruit cakes feature golden raisins and imitation rum flavoring. The “Regular” recipe outsells the “Dark” by approximately eight-to-one, but both offer fruit cake “at its Claxton best!” For initial orders, we recommend the “Regular” recipe.
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